Hereford Skatepark
Boom Box Skate Shop

Hereford Skatepark
Hereford Skatepark is run by the charity Wheeled Sports 4 Hereford Ltd and is NOT a council funded park.
All the money spent so far on the park has been raised through grants/donations, organised by the project group.
We finished phase 3 in December 2012 - Street section all around the park - making Hereford Skatepark one of the biggest parks in the country.
HSP has recently been successful in securing their place in Hereford's Stronger Towns fund bid. This will bring the funding for construction costs necessary to carry out the next phase of development. However, there will be many further costs involved to fulfil the potential of the park and we need all the support that we can get. You can help us do this by following the 'donate' link above.
For further info regarding the next phase, click the link below.

Opening Hours
Saturday: 10.30am - 6pm
Sunday: 10.30am - 6pm